
Mixed media artist focusing on printmaking and surface pattern designs on fabric

Viridian Moon Art Gallery located at 1600 W. Bloomfield Rd, Bloomington, Indiana.

Previous Shows:
Back Space Gallery, August 2023.
The Vault Gallery, Printmaking Exhibition, December 2 , 2022 - January 30, 2023, located at 121 E. 6th Street, Bloomington, Indiana.
Bloomington Open Studio Tour (BOST), latest show was October 14-15, 2023 at my studio at Obsolete Press, at the corner of Madison and 6th Streets.
I FELL, Shibori art, September 2022.
Viridian Moon Art Gallery, Shibori art show, in Bloomington, Indiana from February 28 - March 31, 2022. My art is on display throughout the year.

I am a southern (USA) artist working in the Midwest. I left the blistering fury of hot summers in the Deep South for livable summers and cold snowy winters. I live in Bloomington, Indiana and Bloomington suits me very well.

I have been a practicing artist for the last 30 years. My academic history involves a BS in Medical Technology and a MS in Applied Statistics. I was still working full time as a technical consultant when I began to make art.

Over the years I have worked in various mediums. My work usually involves an abstract format. Each medium now has a multi-piece body of work associated with it.

In recent years I have focused on mixed media, printmaking, Shibori fabric surface designs, and now cold wax oil painting.

I have been very lucky to have had the chance to explore the things that really interest me. It is not always easy. Sometimes there are complicated processes and incomplete work. And then in the mist of the fog something spontaneous happens .In fact, sometimes I surprise myself, and isn’t that what’s it all about?

As I continue to work and explore, I realized that exhibiting the work is the last important part of the process. It completes the process for the artist. I am successful if you find an image evocative. I am especially grateful if you let me know!

Sandy Davoren

Photo credit (My Perfect Circle in situ): Kam Idris on unsplash.com

My Perfect Circle, 30” x 24”, Intaglio Monotype